Art Exhibition


Definition of POP


Chrissie & Stevie Solo Exhibition

Definition of POP

展期: 2022/06/11 – 2022/07/23 (每周二至周六 10:00 -19:00)       

Cosmic Cowboy一个来自英国的二人创作组合,用简单的粗线条,抢眼的用色,以及一个个性格鲜明的角色,邀请你进入一个撼动墨守成规的新奇宇宙!

Cosmic Cowboy创作中,不可不认识的鲜活角色:

Vincent – 宇宙牛仔缪斯和叛逆者,也是一切开始的角色。他穿越宇宙的面孔、形状、服装,从成为Cowboy Vincent到伦敦的迪斯科警察,他一直在寻找通过最时髦的地方来解决“无聊” +CC宇宙中的朋友。

Little Red Riding Hood – 一个受童话角色启发的坏蛋女孩,她爱恶作剧、不那么容易上当受骗,这里的Little Red Riding Hood掌握着自己的命运,是“可爱x心情”个性的典型代表。

Larry – 一只有着猫的好奇头脑的宇宙狗。它爱和Vincent和Little Red Riding Hood一起出去玩,加入他们的宇宙冒险。它可能有时喜怒无常,但你很快就会意识到态度是它魅力的一部分。

延续后普普(Post POP Art)的反叛精神与商业语言,Chrissie和Stevie无论是揶揄或是挑战社会现况,透过画面的角色精准地击中现代人的审美与精神状态。在此领域最为人熟知的经典大师 凯斯·哈林(Keith Haring)、杰夫·昆斯(Jeff Koons),到Cosmic Cowboy,将再次翻新大众艺术的感官体验。

Cosmic Cowboy, a duo artist from the UK, uses simple thick lines, eye-catching colors, and characters with distinct personalities, inviting you to enter a novel universe that breaks the rule and shakes your world!

There are some vivid and charming characters in the creation of Cosmic Cowboy who must be known :

Vincent – The Cosmic Cowboy muse and the rebellious character who it all started with. He takes on many faces, shapes, outfits as he travels across the universe. From being Cowboy Vincent down under to a Disco Cop in London, he’s always looking for the antidote to ‘boring’ by finding the funkiest spots + friends in the CC universe.

Little Red Riding Hood – A badass girl inspired by the namesake character of the original fairytale. Our version is a bit more mischievous and a lot less gullible. CC’s Little Red Riding Hood is in control of her own destiny and is the poster child of the ‘cute x mood’ personality.

Larry – A cosmic dog with the curious mind of a cat. He loves hanging out with Vincent and Little Red Riding Hood, joining them on cosmic adventures whenever he can. He can be a handful (read: moody) but you’ll quickly realize that attitude is part of his charm.

Extending the rebellious spirit and commercial language of Post POP Art, whether Chrissie and Stevie are mocking or challenging the current social system, they accurately hit the spot of aesthetic and spiritual state of modern people, through these characters on canvas and screen. Mentioning the most well-known masters and classic pieces in this field, it usually goes to Keith Haring and Jeff Koons, and now we have Cosmic Cowboy. Bravo! – They shall definitely renew everyone’s experience of pop art.