Apple’s Shift to AI: Embarking on a Journey of Strategic Decision-Making

Neon AI on a keyboard

NEWS Apple’s Shift to AI: Embarking on a Journey of Strategic Decision-Making Reflecting on the surge of technology stocks in the S&P 500 and the underperformance of Apple and Tesla, investment in AI emerges as the primary concern for tech giants. Apple Abandons Car Manufacturing Project Bloomberg reports Apple suspended its decade-long car manufacturing project, […]


2024 Inheritance_Journal Foreword 2023 Economic Review Economic Performance in 2023 Exceeded Expectations Dynamics of Major Global Economies United States Eurozone United Kingdom China Rest of Asia 2024 Economic Outlook Further Decline in Inflation in 2024 Limited Economic Recession Risk Policy Interest Rates Tending Towards Stability, Japan Possibly Exiting Yield Curve Control Facing Multiple Uncertainties – […]

〈NEWS〉The Differences Between Insurance Trusts and Insurance Claims Trusts

Banking and savings

Insurance Trusts The Differences Between Insurance Trusts and Insurance Claims Trusts Firstly, an insurance trust refers to a trust set up by the policyholder during one’s lifetime, transferring ownership of his/her life insurance policy to the designated trustee for custody and management. This way, if the policyholder unfortunately passes away, the trustee can distribute the […]

〈NEWS〉Benefits of Holding Policy Assets in Trust

Calling to bank

NEWS Benefits of Holding Policy Assets in Trust   There are two main ways to hold policies in an insurance trust. One is for the trust settlor to transfer ownership of the policy to the trust. The second is for the trust settlor to purchase a new policy through the trust. In addition to these […]


Calling to bank

精選好文 信託持有保單資產的優勢 在保險信託中持有保單的方式主要有兩種,一種是信託委託人把保單的所有權轉移給信託,第二種是信託委託人通過信託購買新保單。此外,還可將保單作為家族信託資產的一部分。在這種情況下,保單不是家族信託下的唯一資產,家族信託中還可能包含其他資產如股票、現金、投資組合與房產等,雖然保單只是信託資產的一部分,但作為保單的持有人和受益人,家族信託仍可享有保單的收益和權益。     信託和人壽保險作為兩種不同的財務工具,各有優劣。但是將兩者結合,利用信託持有保單資產,可以發揮各自的優勢,實現以下五大好處: 1. 管理便利:用信託持有保單可以使保單的管理變得更加簡單。受託人可以代表信託受益人與保險公司溝通,以確保保單的維護和管理得到妥善處理,可以減輕信託受益人的負擔,讓他們不必親自處理繁瑣的保險事務。 2. 財富規劃:充分利用大額壽險的身故賠付功能,在受保人遇到不可預測的身故風險時,信託可以獲得保險公司大額賠付,實現財富保值傳承。 3. 資產隔離:當保單持有人為信託時,保單不屬於信託委託人的個人名下資產,同時信託資產在沒有分配給受益人時也不屬於受益人的個人資產; 4. 財產分配:當保險賠償金注入信託後,受託人將參考信託委託人的意願書靈活進行財產分配,有效避免資金被一次性繼承揮霍,也保障了沒有足夠財富管理能力的年幼子女的經濟來源。 5. 隱私保護:由於保單是由受託人以信託名義持有,信託為該保單的受益人,信託委託人和保險賠償金的最終受益人身份是保密的。     無論採用保險信託還是家族信託持有保單資產,均可實現以上五個方面的優勢,個人需根據個人的財務狀況、家庭情況和財富規劃目標,選擇合適的信託類型。 聯絡信託顧問

26-01-2024⎪Malaysia⎪Trust and Virtual Assets: New Opportunities for Development

2024 Malaysia Trust and Virtual Assets: New Opportunities for Development Event Content ⎯ ◦ We sincerely invite you to the “Trust and Virtual Assets: New Opportunities for Development” seminar to explore the new opportunities and challenges facing the trust and virtual asset sectors in the current financial market. This seminar will focus on these two […]

What is a Standby Insurance Trust

Business Financing Accounting Banking Concept

NEWS What is a Standby Insurance Trust Another type of insurance trust is a standby insurance trust. Similar to an insurance trust, a standby insurance trust also uses the insurance proceeds rights as the trust property. However, unlike an insurance trust where the policyholder is the trustee, for a standby insurance trust, the policyholder remains […]

What are Insurance Trusts

Pig Bank And Money.

NEWS What are Insurance Trusts   In recent years, wealth preservation and inheritance have always been hot topics among high-net-worth individuals. Insurance trusts, as a wealth management tool combining trusts and life insurance, have gradually gained favor among high-net-worth clients and are widely used.       As a type of family trust, an insurance trust has […]

Case Study : Minimizing Inheritance Disputes – Building a Harmonious Family

The old believe everything. Shot of a happy family celebrating a birthday at home.

Case Study Minimizing Inheritance Disputes – Building a Harmonious Family Introduction:     In this case, we explore the concerns of Mr. Meng, a 60-year-old entrepreneur who has enjoyed success in his career and family life. However, having been through two marriages and having children from each, he is growing increasingly concerned about potential inheritance […]

Ensuring a Dignified Retirement for a Father After Immigrating

Passport And Visa Application On Table

Case Study Ensuring a Dignified Retirement for a Father After Immigrating Introduction:     This case examines the concerns of Ms. An, a 53-year-old woman, regarding her father’s well-being and financial security after her family’s decision to immigrate to the United States. It emphasizes the importance of comprehensive planning and introduces the concept of a […]