Art Exhibition

Things and non-things: D.G. Lampaulus

2023 Taipei Solo Exhibition

"Combining art and charity concepts to promote a cycle of kindness"

"Objects and Non-Objects: D.G. Lampaulus 2023 Taipei Solo Exhibition" will be on display in Exhibition Hall 2 of the National Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall from September 6 to September 17, 2020. The organizer DVG Taipei also cooperated with D.G. Charity Global to combine art and charity and launch a 100% A cycle of goodness.

The paintings of artist D.G. Lampaulus have been on tour in Europe before. This time, the first stop in Asia was moved to the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei for a solo exhibition. The exhibition is called “Objects and Non-Objects: D.G. Lampaulus 2023 Taipei Solo Exhibition”. On the day of the opening ceremony on September 9, many art lovers gathered to participate in the grand event. Many guests delivered speeches, including Director Pan Huimin of the Art and Cultural Creativity Center of the Ministry of Education of Chinese Culture University, and Xianghui Express Co., Ltd. General Manager Huang Zemin. At the same time, it also attracted many media interested in the first “Art Charitable Trust” to pay attention to the press conference, which ended successfully with a celebratory tea party.

The title of the exhibition “Things and Non-Things” expresses the non-materiality of “Tao” and takes Tao as the core to explore the relationship between man and nature, man and himself, showing the insignificance of life and the role of human beings in the universe. position. D.G. Lampaulus will express his feelings and understanding of nature through many paintings, and at the intersection of Eastern and Western cultures, he will lead viewers to understand themselves and the world from a new perspective. The yang and yin of “Tao” are like light and shadow, which must exist at the same time. The shadow is like the dark side or shortcomings in our hearts, which we are always unwilling to face. In fact, it is precisely because we can accept our shortcomings and even embrace its existence that we can become a complete person. This is also one of the core concepts of D.G. Lampaulus’ creation.

The organizer DVG Taipei also cooperated with D.G. Charity Global to launch a 100% The mission of D.G. Charity Global is to assist “family” companies or groups to inherit correct values ​​​​through the fields of education and art, so as to establish a positive connection and strive to promote an art collection system. Through this system, family members can learn professional knowledge about art collection and develop their appreciation and understanding of art. At the same time, D.G. Charity Global can also perfectly combine art and charity through charity auctions, lectures, exhibitions and other activities, and adhere to the concept of art charity to contribute to the development of society and promote a cycle of kindness.

Guided tours are also provided on site to explain D.G. Lampaulus’s creative concepts and the connotation of the works. The audience is also very curious about the identity of D.G. Lampaulus. Why does D.G. Lampaulus create anonymously? The answer lies in philanthropy. Adhering to the ideal of “doing good without letting others know”, he used his own way to engage in artistic creation while also establishing the D.G. Charity Global team, hoping to take into account charity. In fact, D.G. Lampaulus is not only an artist, but also an entrepreneur and philanthropist. Apart from his busy career, he continues to create art and continues his long-standing dream: to use art to change the world! He also hopes that many viewers can change their vision and re-understand the world through his artistic creation!